Great work Nick!
I took a look over your steps, here’s how you could use GrantNav’s advanced search to do some of the heavy lifting:
Get all grants with music - this is a good starting point, on the main page search for:
When I ran this search on 9 July 2018, I got 8,165 GBP grants and 0 non-GBP grants
Now we limit the grants to after 2015 using the advanced search for
music AND awardDate:[2015-01-01 TO 2018-07-09]
Total GBP grants: 1,954
Total Non-GBP grants: 0
- Now we want to limit to England. As you found, not all grants have regions but we can exclude the regions we don’t want using the advanced search
music AND awardDate:[2015-01-01 TO 2018-07-09] AND NOT recipientRegionName:Scotland AND NOT recipientRegionName:Wales AND NOT recipientRegionName:“Northern Ireland”
I can still see entries with Scotland, so let’s try excluding Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland from any fields
music AND awardDate:[2015-01-01 TO 2018-07-09] AND NOT Scotland AND NOT Wales AND NOT “Northern Ireland”
Total GBP grants: 1,581
Total Non-GBP grants: 0
Now to add the words associated with music - this is hard because you really need to know which words to use - I stuck with your list opera, sing, choir, orchestra, tune, sinfonia, compose and added them as an alternative to music
(music OR opera OR sing OR choir OR orchestra OR tune OR sinfonia OR compose) AND awardDate:[2015-01-01 TO 2018-07-09] AND NOT Scotland AND NOT Wales AND NOT “Northern Ireland”
Total GBP grants: 1,889
Total Non-GBP grants: 0
- I stopped here and searched the csv for regions we didn’t want. Despite the exclusions below, I removed grants by scottish funders where Funding Org:Identifier starts with ‘GB-SC’ and removed grants with the word ‘Welsh’
Original: 1,889
Remove GB-SC: 1,857
Remove Welsh: 1,856
I used the beneficiary location as a proxy for Recipient District Geographic Code - first, replacing LSOA level codes E01 with district codes: E06, EO7, E08, E09 and E10. Then copying over the matched district levels.
We’re left with 226 of 1856 without any geographic codes at all. We’re now ready to merge with the local authority level indices (results are in grantnav-20180709165922-clean.csv). To merge with local authority level indices, we group by year, currency and local authority code (you could skip the year and currency, the only real requirement is the local authority code). The final file is grantnav-20180709165922-clean-grouped.csv - it includes the grants which have no geography, so can filter those out.
PS If you decide to group the grant years, remember you can’t add up the indices - try min or max instead of sum or avg.
You can find all the files here: Music Grants Data
I’ll take a look at your spreadsheet and get back to you on that!