PATCH - updates to Standard documentation

A series of updates to guidance text are being proposed to the 360Giving Standard documentation.

Summary of proposed changes

Changes made to documentation pages, index, Reference and Identifiers.

Summary of changes

index page

  • Removing section on templates, as duplication of information provided in reference pages.

reference page

  • Link to Comma-separated value file templates-csv (.csv) and reference to CSV template structure. (to resolve issue 360G-00046 #237)
  • General improvements to clarity of text
  • Added worked example of using multiple rows to update grants data (to resolve issue 360G-00036 #149)
  • Updating from ‘schema’ to ‘schemas’ where guidance is relevant to both package and main schema.

identifiers page

Improving clarity and examples provided.

  • Updating examples used for organisation and grant identifiers.
  • Clarification that publisher prefixes should start 360G (to resolve issue 360G-00056 #34)
  • Adding guidance on how to create grant identifiers
  • Adding guidance for creating org IDS for organisations without official registration numbers
  • Adding link to Northern Ireland Local Authority org ID list.

Changes made to all pages

  • Correcting hyperlinks to pointing to secure versions (https://).
  • When linking to external websites, updated to open in a new window.
  • Constituency of brand - referring to 360Giving Data Standard throughout.

Other changes

Included in the pull request are minor text changes to non-normative page licensing
and replacement of ‘Get data’ page with a new Using data page which links to further information for Analysts and Developers now hosted on 360Giving website:

The full pull request with all changes noted can be found here:

Next steps
These are changes to the guidance which improve its clarity and usefulness. As these neither introduce new features nor break backwards-compatibility the changes can be approved using the PATCH process.

I have approved the changes acting as a member of 360Giving team. In order to make these changes to the live version of the 360Giving Data Standard these changes also need to be approved by a member of the Standard Stewardship Committee.

Any comments or queries about these changes, please post below.

Thank you!

The changes look sensible and well thought through. Happy to approve these as a patch change, as a member of the stewardship committee.

Thanks David, we’ll get these changes merged into the live branch, as well!